Acordo de cooperação; define diretrizes para a política de fomento, de colaboração e de cooperação com organizações da sociedade civil; e altera as Leis nºs 8.429, de 2 de junho de 1992, e 9.790, de 23 de março de 1999. (Redação dada pela Lei nº 13.204, de 2015.
Reconhecemos e obedecemos totalmente a Sua Santidade S.S. Papa Francisco l Vigário de Cristo na terra, Patriarcado de Roma: Cabeça Espiritual: o Papa (Bispo de Roma, Vigário de Jesus Cristo, o Príncipe do Sucessor dos Apóstolos, Pontífice da Universal Suco da Igreja, Patriarca do Ocidente, Primaz da Itália, Arcebispo e Metropolita da Província Romana, Chefe de Estado da Cidade do Vaticano, Servo dos Servos de Deus).
Centro Pro Unione
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
Via S. Maria dell'Anima, 30
Tel. (+39) 06.687.9552 Fax (+39)
E-mail address: pro@pro.urbe.it
The Centro Pro Unione, founded and directed by the Society of the Atonement, is an ecumenical research and action center. Its purpose is to give space for dialogue, to be a place for study, research and formation in ecumenism: theological, pastoral, social and spiritual.
The Centro was inaugurated in 1968 and is situated in the heart of Rome, Piazza Navona, in the historic and beautiful Collegio Innocenziano, belonging to the Doria Pamphilj family. It consists of a library of three rooms, a meeting room and a large conference hall for annual conferences on ecumenism.
The Centro publishes a semi-annual bulletin in English: Centro Pro Unione Bulletin. One of the issues contains a multilingual bibliography of interchurch and interconfessional dialogues. Furthermore, in collaboration with other ecumenical centers and the Commission on Ecumenism and Dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the Centro prepares annually and co-publishes and distributes with "Paoline Editoriale Libri" the material for the celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18-25). The Centro likewise edits a series: Corso breve di ecumenismo (Short course in ecumenism) which contains 12 volumes.
Ecumenical Library: 18,000 books and pamphlets, 300 periodicals, fully catalogued on-line with the ALEPH program, and node on the information network URBE (Roman Union of Ecclesiastical Libraries); over 19,000 records of interchurch and interconfessional theological dialogues, both national and international, on-line and available through the URBE network; studies of the World Council of Churches; major world and regional ecumenical assemblies; confessional liturgy and spirituality; international survey of ecumenical centers. The SIDIC library is also available on line. The library is not a lending library.
Agreed statements of the interconfessional dialogues: the official agreed statements of the interconfessional dialogues are available full text and in original language with a complete bibliography.
Annual Cycle of Conferences with speakers of international renown.
Summer Course in Ecumenism for three weeks: �Introduction to the Ecumenical & Interreligious Movements from a Roman Catholic Perspective�.
Scientific Research Projects and Publishing in collaboration with other Centers.